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Monday, December 26, 2011

Kuzhi Paniyaram with an Eggie twist

This is my first post in my cooking blog... and its something to do with eggs!!! Coz i love eggs to the core :)
Sorry Veggies.. I ll surely post something in veg next. My mom and granny makes yummy items out of egg... like dosa, varieties of omlette, breads, and anything out of egg. And this kuli paniyaram was my favourite. Chettinad is famous for kuli paniyarams, but i want to add a twist to it by doing it with eggs. People who crave for eggs will surely like it.. and it is a very easy recipe.
So.. lets get started.


Eggs - 2 or 3
Onion (Finely chopped) - 1
Green Chillies (Chopped) - 1 or 2
Besan Flour (Kadalamavu) - 2 tablespoons
Turmeric Powder - A Pinch
Red Chilly Powder - A Pinch    (Optional)
Salt - As reqd.
Oil - As reqd. 


Take a big bowl, break the eggs and pour it into it.
Add  the chopped onion, green chilly, besan flour, a pinch of turmeric powder and red chilli powder just to add spice.. and salt as required.
Beat it well with a spatula or an egg beater. the more you beat it, the more fluffy paniyarams you ll get.
Heat the Kuli Paniyaram pan.. (The kuli paniyaram pan is a special utensil for making paniyarams. These days you get non-stick pans which makes our job easy. you can see the pan in the photo below.)

I have used a non-stick pan here.. so i can reduce the oil i use for making paniyarams. Dieting factor ! If you do not have non-stick pan, you just have to use more oil, so that the paniyarams dont stick to the pan.
Pour oil in each paniyaram pit in the pan.. about 2 - 3 drops is sufficient for each one.
Then pour the batter we have prepared in each pit, filling to about 2/3rd of the pit. Mix the batter well before you pour into the pit. Keep the flame medium.
After 2 mins.. turn the paniyarams upside down with a spoon or karuthu, to cook both sides. Make sure the paniyarams are cooked inside before you take it out...by pricking them with a sharp edged spatula or spoon (Karuthu) else you might get the raw egg smell.
Take out the yummy fluffy paniyarams. You can eat them without any side dish or try it with tomato sauce..It is a good evening snack.. esp for kids :)
If you are left with the batter, you can also make a fluffy omlette out of it on a dosa tawa. Try different !! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is Religion? - Part 2

Now, coming to the later part… follow God to prevent evil’s effect on us??
Which God… there are so many in queue… Islam or Christian? It’s totally your own decision… where your conscious leans in the end in search of good karma. Good Karma can be attained just by following any moral code.

You will have a doubt now…. Why not Hindu? I got enlightened after the discussion with my boss and got curious to know more about the origin of Hinduism. Hinduism is not a religion… it is just a moral code of ethics for the humanity, which teaches the way of living life. It is applicable to any human… Islam or Christian.

Religion formation: Normally a philosopher/ prophet comes up with a system revolutionary or at least that did not exist before, for that set of followers. Accepting the new system, disciples and other people start following the religious system and that person becomes the founder of that religion.

But this is not the case with Hinduism. There is no single Deity or single prophet teachings for Hinduisim.

Defining Hinduism: “Hinduism is not a monolithic religion in the Romanic sense but a religious category containing dozens of separate philosophies amalgamated as Sanātana Dharma.”
Hinduism existed from time unmemorable. Hindu scriptures talk about things that happened at periods of time, which is much much higher than the period well known to history scholars of current era. Hinduism has its accommodativeness towards new ideas and philosophies of new prophets during all times. All the new changes made it a healthy code of ethics that it does not get stagnant with a stipulated time frame. So, there is No Single (Human) Founder for Hinduism and it existed with diverse traditions from time unexplored.

The sacred book of Hindus - The Bhagavad Gītā, is a syncretistic treatise from the Mahābhārata. It combines Vedanta, Yoga, and some Samkhya philosophy into its discussion of good conduct and life. All sacred books of Hinduism are nothing but a collection of sayings from different people from different eras, everything related to dharma. Nothing preaches about the glory of Hinduism as a single religion.

For Hindus, God does not have any specific form or name – Nirguna Brahman. However God may be assumed in forms as perceived by humans too- Saguna Brahman, so that people are able to follow good things from any of the diety they choose to follow. Hinduism says take good things from any scripture, be it from Islam or Christianity, to lead a moral life. Hinduism also has sayings from people who did not believe in the existence of God, but lived morally.

I do not support any specific religion in this matter. I just wanted to convey that good things can be taken from any religious scripture or tradition, in order to live as a human in this earth and let others live peacefully too.

If you reverse the letters of ‘live’, you’ll end up in ‘evil’… Live with good ethics and let’s reduce our destruction to earth. In turn give back love and humanity to Earth.

Please Read Part 1 to understand the origin of this discussion.

What is Religion? - Part 1

Hi Buddies,

I ve been thinking what to post for a long time... and today i got something to discuss it here.

During my office lunchtime.. i happened to participate in a philosophical discussion with my Boss.. about something related to religion. It all started when he questioned my colleagues, "what did people do to fight against evil, before the existence of Quran or Bible?" Now you might think, why didnt he mention Bhagavad Gita? :) There is the point i got to know today. I ll come to that in the second half of my writing. This is just my view or my boss influenced view.. so no hard feelings. Just read it as a concept in Physics or Maths.

So, what is EVIL? As we all have heard, there is no good without bad. Likewise, only if if there is evil, we can find the opposite - God or Good.

Defining Evil: "Evil is the violation of, or intent to violate, some moral code. Evil is therefore a negative quality."

Statement 1: You cant avoid or live without hunger. Hunger is obvious to every human species. We eat to conquer or get over hunger for a fixed time interval and hunger comes back. Hence hunger is always a constant, Eating is used to eradicate hunger temporarily or reduce the rate of occurrence of hunger.
Statement 2: Most of us would have read this somewhere… Darkness is the absence of light, which means darkness is always present. Light is used to eliminate the darkness to an extent. But Darkness returns when there is no light.
Statement 3: Evil is always there. Good or God is followed to reduce the effect of Evil to an extent.
So, If statement 1 and 2 are true, statement 3 is also true.

This statement reminds me of the question asked at many times… “Is Evil more powerful than God?”
I am not affirming or supporting that evil is powerful, but the universal logic proves that evil is present with or without the existence of God.

Okie.. now back to the definition of Evil. What are we humans do on Earth? Are we in anyway useful to the initial creation of the Universe? Though some of you might say that we created many things and brought it into our living, all these things were created by us only for our comfort and usage. We are giving nothing in return to the Earth. I fact, we are depleting the resources of the Universe day by day, generations after generation. So, more the human lives on Earth, more the rate of destruction of Earth, which you can relate to Global warming, depletion of water resources, melting of Antarctica… and what not. Evil is nothing but destruction. So humans become a part of the destruction of Universe. The amount of destruction one leads to… depends on one’s Karma.

Defining Karma: "Karma in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect."

So, we are basically… fundamentally… born as Evil. It depends on us, to follow God or Good (Karma) inorder to reduce our evil effects to the universe.

Please read Part 2 to know about religions...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy July !!! @@@@ !!!

Every year, I wait for this July to come.. if its over... i ll wait for the next July.. and the years go on... coz its my birthday month :D
This time, i had a very special birthday, my first birthday after marriage. I did not spend my day with my parents though, which i used to all these years... but i spent the whole day with my hubby alone, and believe me it was very special indeed. He tried to make me happier than never on my birthday. He planned so many things ahead... working towards it for the last one week before the D Day. He is so creative, innovative and pretty much organized... that he plans everything so perfect before time. He surprised me with a plan of gifting me every hour of my birthday... Doesn't it sound GREAT!!!
Imagine the time he would have taken to buy so many gifts... to think what to buy for me... and all those girlie stuffs :) He is better than me in selecting things :)
I loved all the gifts he gave me... i cant list all of them here... ;) but some gifts like Sari, Anklets, Earrings, Handbag, Clutch, Soft toy.... Cake, Bouquet and Chocolates... and the list goes on. :) I wore the sari he gifted me.. (I ll post my pic soon) and then we went to a ganesha temple near by.. started my year with lots of hope and happiness. We had our lunch in an Italian Restaurant... had a walk in the mall... and watched "Deivathirumagal" movie in the evening. So there ends my beautiful birthday with my Hubby.
Hmmmmm.. now u people might be thinking.. why is she boasting about her gifts here?? Yeah.. I wanted to tell it to everyone out there.. that you people shud also try to make your soulmate...rather called the better-half happier... not only on his/her birthday but throughout the year. This is mutual and the love you give... comes back to you and reflects everywhere you go. Your life becomes sweeter and sweeter... with cute surprises you have for each other. Dont take the better-half for granted as most of us do, he/she never has a rule or a duty to serve you without being paid... i meant pay by love :).

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back to Blogging after years... :D

Hi Buddies...

I ve started blogging again... yipppeee :) Hope i dont stop it inbetween... i know u ppl out there will not let me stop either. ;)
This is my journal, where i can put all my thoughts in. Anything in my mind can go in here. :)
A journal means a daily record of events or business; a private journal is usually referred to as a diary.
A journal is a continued series of writings made by a person in response to their life experiences and events. Diaries contain a description of daily events. A journal may include those descriptions, but it also contains reflections on what took place and expresses emotions and understandings about them. It doesn't matter what you call your writing, either a diary or journal, as long as you see the distinction between these two ways of writing.
Last January, when i had been to Hongkong for a trip, I was in McD to have some burger. (Cannot forget the Apple Pie...yummy :D, which i dont get it here :( ) Coming to the point... I saw a girl next to my table, sitting alone, having her drink and scribbling something in her notebook. she was not disturbed by anything in the restaurant. She went on writing something with some rough sketches. I still remember tat girl with her book :) I was impressed by her and from tat day i wanted to write my journal too. You ppl can also start one... Jus take a plain notebook, usually spiral bounded. Scribble whatever you feel like, nothing formal... :) You can do it wen u have ur coffee... or just before u go to bed. Make it colorful with some pics and color pens. Im sure you'll love it !! Tis habit will eventually make ur heart light by putting down all your thoughts on a paper, and gives you more clarity about yourself and your life.

Try this excercise :

Sit in a calm, quiet place -- perhaps where you meditate, or a place where you will not be disturbed for a while.

Calm your mind by bringing your attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale deeply and rhythmically. Once you feel comfortable and more relaxed, open your mind to those images, thoughts and sounds around you ... whatever enters your mind. Let them come to you. Don't push them away.

Now, think of these sounds, images, thoughts or whatever as “sense data” like signals from some faraway radio station. See if you can sense areas of quietness between these station signals. Once you get a sense of these “unused wavelengths” tune your attention to the spaces between – these gaps between the noisy stations.

This is called as "Self-Talk" -- Explore yourself.

I want your suggestions, comments, likes and dislikes posted, so tat i can improve my writing day by day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wat to blog on??

May be i started bloggin too late... but its better now than never :) I used to write some stupid articles in my googlepage long bac... uploadin celebrity photos, song lyrics, discussin abt relationship problems,etc. But stopped bcos of my laziness or may be i felt bored of my writin.. So din wanna bore my readers ;)
But y dint i go for bloggin? S bloggin writin somethin general or expressin my views on somethin or more like a personal diary?? Tis scares me... :0 Publishin personal experiences may offend somebody else... or it wud be borin as it s not necessary tat somethin interestin must happen daily to blog on. May be I din get a gud topic to blog on generally... Wat do others blog on?? Hmmmmm.... anyway I ve too started bloggin!! Tat makes me feel happy :)