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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is Religion? - Part 2

Now, coming to the later part… follow God to prevent evil’s effect on us??
Which God… there are so many in queue… Islam or Christian? It’s totally your own decision… where your conscious leans in the end in search of good karma. Good Karma can be attained just by following any moral code.

You will have a doubt now…. Why not Hindu? I got enlightened after the discussion with my boss and got curious to know more about the origin of Hinduism. Hinduism is not a religion… it is just a moral code of ethics for the humanity, which teaches the way of living life. It is applicable to any human… Islam or Christian.

Religion formation: Normally a philosopher/ prophet comes up with a system revolutionary or at least that did not exist before, for that set of followers. Accepting the new system, disciples and other people start following the religious system and that person becomes the founder of that religion.

But this is not the case with Hinduism. There is no single Deity or single prophet teachings for Hinduisim.

Defining Hinduism: “Hinduism is not a monolithic religion in the Romanic sense but a religious category containing dozens of separate philosophies amalgamated as Sanātana Dharma.”
Hinduism existed from time unmemorable. Hindu scriptures talk about things that happened at periods of time, which is much much higher than the period well known to history scholars of current era. Hinduism has its accommodativeness towards new ideas and philosophies of new prophets during all times. All the new changes made it a healthy code of ethics that it does not get stagnant with a stipulated time frame. So, there is No Single (Human) Founder for Hinduism and it existed with diverse traditions from time unexplored.

The sacred book of Hindus - The Bhagavad Gītā, is a syncretistic treatise from the Mahābhārata. It combines Vedanta, Yoga, and some Samkhya philosophy into its discussion of good conduct and life. All sacred books of Hinduism are nothing but a collection of sayings from different people from different eras, everything related to dharma. Nothing preaches about the glory of Hinduism as a single religion.

For Hindus, God does not have any specific form or name – Nirguna Brahman. However God may be assumed in forms as perceived by humans too- Saguna Brahman, so that people are able to follow good things from any of the diety they choose to follow. Hinduism says take good things from any scripture, be it from Islam or Christianity, to lead a moral life. Hinduism also has sayings from people who did not believe in the existence of God, but lived morally.

I do not support any specific religion in this matter. I just wanted to convey that good things can be taken from any religious scripture or tradition, in order to live as a human in this earth and let others live peacefully too.

If you reverse the letters of ‘live’, you’ll end up in ‘evil’… Live with good ethics and let’s reduce our destruction to earth. In turn give back love and humanity to Earth.

Please Read Part 1 to understand the origin of this discussion.


  1. Surprising and good information.. :)

  2. Good Blog and info!!!

    Nature always gives it's best and although we cannot give any returns to it, we need to maintain the Eco-balance,

    Nobody is born good or bad and it is only individuals life cycle that leads to his karma...


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