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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back to Blogging after years... :D

Hi Buddies...

I ve started blogging again... yipppeee :) Hope i dont stop it inbetween... i know u ppl out there will not let me stop either. ;)
This is my journal, where i can put all my thoughts in. Anything in my mind can go in here. :)
A journal means a daily record of events or business; a private journal is usually referred to as a diary.
A journal is a continued series of writings made by a person in response to their life experiences and events. Diaries contain a description of daily events. A journal may include those descriptions, but it also contains reflections on what took place and expresses emotions and understandings about them. It doesn't matter what you call your writing, either a diary or journal, as long as you see the distinction between these two ways of writing.
Last January, when i had been to Hongkong for a trip, I was in McD to have some burger. (Cannot forget the Apple Pie...yummy :D, which i dont get it here :( ) Coming to the point... I saw a girl next to my table, sitting alone, having her drink and scribbling something in her notebook. she was not disturbed by anything in the restaurant. She went on writing something with some rough sketches. I still remember tat girl with her book :) I was impressed by her and from tat day i wanted to write my journal too. You ppl can also start one... Jus take a plain notebook, usually spiral bounded. Scribble whatever you feel like, nothing formal... :) You can do it wen u have ur coffee... or just before u go to bed. Make it colorful with some pics and color pens. Im sure you'll love it !! Tis habit will eventually make ur heart light by putting down all your thoughts on a paper, and gives you more clarity about yourself and your life.

Try this excercise :

Sit in a calm, quiet place -- perhaps where you meditate, or a place where you will not be disturbed for a while.

Calm your mind by bringing your attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale deeply and rhythmically. Once you feel comfortable and more relaxed, open your mind to those images, thoughts and sounds around you ... whatever enters your mind. Let them come to you. Don't push them away.

Now, think of these sounds, images, thoughts or whatever as “sense data” like signals from some faraway radio station. See if you can sense areas of quietness between these station signals. Once you get a sense of these “unused wavelengths” tune your attention to the spaces between – these gaps between the noisy stations.

This is called as "Self-Talk" -- Explore yourself.

I want your suggestions, comments, likes and dislikes posted, so tat i can improve my writing day by day.

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