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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wat to blog on??

May be i started bloggin too late... but its better now than never :) I used to write some stupid articles in my googlepage long bac... uploadin celebrity photos, song lyrics, discussin abt relationship problems,etc. But stopped bcos of my laziness or may be i felt bored of my writin.. So din wanna bore my readers ;)
But y dint i go for bloggin? S bloggin writin somethin general or expressin my views on somethin or more like a personal diary?? Tis scares me... :0 Publishin personal experiences may offend somebody else... or it wud be borin as it s not necessary tat somethin interestin must happen daily to blog on. May be I din get a gud topic to blog on generally... Wat do others blog on?? Hmmmmm.... anyway I ve too started bloggin!! Tat makes me feel happy :)